Wespay Advisors Instant Payments Value Proposition

Wespay Advisors strengthens the payments expertise your team needs to achieve its Instant Payments goals, no matter what stage of the Instant Payments journey you are on.

Just starting your Instant Payments journey? Wespay Advisors can…

  • Develop an Instant Payments adoption roadmap for your organization that balances costs and potential risks with a competitive advantage, revenue opportunities, and client/member experience.
  • Analyze your clients/members and identify use cases with the best value proposition for migrating to Instant Payments.
  • Conduct an RFP with Instant Payments technology providers to ensure you are asking the right questions, properly evaluating solutions, and selecting vendors best suited to meet the needs of your accountholders and organization.
  • Educate your Board on the evolutionary impact Instant Payments are expected to have on money movement and the strategic advantage of embedding an Instant Payments strategy into your organization’s overall strategic plan.

On the road to implementation? Wespay Advisors can…

  • Prepare your team to understand the nuances of Instant Payments and be prepared to guide your clients/members to take advantage of your new capabilities.
  • Build a plan to identify business clients/members with the highest potential of migrating legacy payments to Instant Payments.
  • Create operational workflows, policies, and procedures, that maximize efficiency and control, while mitigating risk and exposure to fraud.
  • Develop client onboarding materials, workflows, and tools to support the process.
  • Support Treasury Management go-to-market activities, including product positioning, market collateral and fee structuring.

Post-Implementation evaluation, compliance and improvement? Wespay Advisors can…

  • Perform the Annual FedNow and RTP rules compliance audits.
  • Conduct a process review to ensure effective risk controls are embedded in the process.
  • Develop reporting and KPIs to ensure executive management is monitoring the most effective metrics to mitigate exposure and losses.
  • Define changes in the competitive landscape that can act as triggers to evolve your product/service offering to maintain competitive effectiveness and ensure your organization is not left behind.

Want to find out more about what Wespay Advisors can do for you? Just pick up the phone or send us an email. We can work with you to scope a project to support any phase of Instant Payments implementation, based on your needs and where you’re at in the process.

John Curtis, AAP, APRP, NCP
SVP, Consulting Business Leader
[email protected]